Virtual Events

Whether you are looking for content for your established conference or have a vision to build an event from scratch, we can help you elevate your relationships with your partners and, in turn, your customers. From tech stack selection and setup to branding, content creation to research, to speaker recruitment, event management, and marketing, we always have what you need.


Whether you are looking for content for your established conference or are looking to build one from scratch, we can help you elevate your relationships with your partners and, in turn, your customers. From tech stack selection and setup to branding, content creation to research, to speaker recruitment, event management, and marketing, we always have what you need.

“Formulatedby created conferences I actually want to go to – they’re fun, you learn some great things, you meet some great people, and at the end of the day you feel energized rather than drained.”


– Jack Parmer, Plotly

Our events

Want to turn your event into an engaging Virtual Experience? Or create a Virtual Event from scratch? Take a look at some of the events that we’ve managed from concept to implementation.

NLP Summit

4-day event with 3 tracks and 50+ sessions. This event also featured a Hackathon competition, panel discussions, and keynote speakers. Formulatedby supported the entire event from conception to implementation including brand creation, speaker management, event marketing, and event production. This event generated more than 5,000 registrations.

DSS Virtual

Every year, Data Science Salon hosts multiple data science events, focused on specific industries. These multi-day events include coffee chats, meditation breaks, networking events, and giveaways. Data Science Salon is created and owned by Formulatedby and we manage the full event from conception to implementation.


Mini half-day event featuring 3 speakers. Formulatedby provided branding, spreaker management, event marketing and event production. This event generated more than 500 registrations.


4-day multi-track event generating more than 2,000 registrants. Formulatedby managed the marketing strategy and also provided branding, design and messaging advice.


DRE Con is the only conference to focus solely on data reliability engineering – the tools, processes, and people that make up the DRE ecosystem.


Convergence gathers data scientists, ML engineers and researchers to meet each other and discover the latest technology, advancements and trends in ML.